tekom - conferences

Mind the trap! Anti-patterns, a common type of problem in technical writing

  • Presentation
  • Project, Team and Cost Management in Technical Communication
  • 14. November
  • 09:00 - 09:45 AM (CET)
  • C6.1
  • finished
  • No presentation slides uploaded
  •  Johannes Hauser

    Johannes Hauser

    • comundus regisafe GmbH


Anti-patterns are common patterns of behaviour, work practices and organisational structures that at first glance seem to solve a problem, but which can lead to massive disadvantages. We examine some examples of anti-patterns in the everyday life of technical writing and look at the way they occur and how they can be detected and avoided.


Developing awareness of anti-patterns and problematic work practices

Communicating problems through appropriate wording

Recognise anti-patterns at an early stage

Prior knowledge

None required


 Johannes Hauser

Johannes Hauser

  • comundus regisafe GmbH

Studies in physics and automotive engineering in Leipzig and Stuttgart

Editor for a technical textbook at the University of Stuttgart

Positions as technical editor for mechanical engineering and electronics

Currently Technical Writer at regisafe GmbH, with responsibility for user information and UI