tekom - conferences

Fees and registration

Registration is open now: Early Bird valid until October 17!

This year's tcworld conference is back in Stuttgart

The conference program includes around 200 specialist presentations, meetups and workshops in German and English from many different subject areas. The recordings will be available for three months after the conference.

The tekom fair with exhibitor stands and presentations will take place parallel to the annual conference from November 14-16 at the ICS in Stuttgart.

The Technology Days (November 6 + 7) will take place online, participation is free of charge.

Want more information? Here you can find everything at a glance.

We are really looking forward to meeting you in Stuttgart!



Full conference ticket

  • 3 days (14.-16.11.) with over 200 sessions
  • Fair ticket included
  • Recordings of technical presentations and exhibitor presentations
  • Participation in workshops
  • Online access to networking lounge and showrooms


tekom member regular and partner associations*

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

890 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

1020 EUR

tekom member reduced**

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

230 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

250 EUR


Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

1250 € 

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

1450 €

Two-day tickets

  • 2 days with over 135+ sessions
  • Fair ticket included
  • Recordings of technical presentations and exhibitor presentations
  • Participation in workshops
  • Online access to networking lounge and showrooms

tekom member regular and partner associations*

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

790 EUR


late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

900 EUR

tekom member reduced **

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

200 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

220 EUR


Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

1100 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

1210 EUR

One-day ticket

  • 1 day with over 65 sessions
  • Fair ticket included
  • Participation in workshops
  • Recordings of technical presentations and exhibitor presentations
  • Online access to networking lounge and showrooms

tekom member regular and partner associations*

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

690 EUR


Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

790 EUR


tekom member reduced **

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

165 EUR


Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

190 EUR


Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)

940 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

990 EUR

Online taster ticket

  • 3 out of 16 tracks are broadcast live
  • 3 conference days
  • Recordings of technical presentations, turorials and exhibitor presentations
  • Access to networking lounge and online showrooms

tekom member regular and partner associations

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)


410 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

480 EUR

tekom member reduced*

Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)


105 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

135 EUR


Early bird ticket (until 17.10.)


580 EUR

Late booking ticket (from 18.10.)

680 EUR

Technology Days

Free online event on November 6 + 7

  • Presentations and panel discussions
  • Access to NetworkingLounge
  • Access to exhibitors' online showrooms


fair ticket

50 EUR per fair day

  • Exhibitors present their products and services
  • Exhibitor presentations
  • Drinks included
  • Networking
  • Lightening talks

All prices plus 19% VAT.


 On-site ticketOnline taster ticketfair ticket
200+ sessions (whole conference) in German & English
current topics & trends | expert knowledge | theory & practice
only 3 Tracksx

Recordings & slides of the sessions
all technical presentations and tutorials

only 3 Tracksx

Recordings of exhibitor presentations
current application examples

NetworkingLounge (online)
find and contact other participants

tekom fair
the largest fair in TC | tools | trends | services | exhibitor presentations | lightening talks

Technical presentations, Meetups, Tutorials, Hackathon, Showcases, Repair-Cafés

education and training in TC | professional exchange | inspiration 

interactive workshops for trying out, learning & sharing | participation in 3 workshops

Networking und Partys
tekom Allstar Band | International Welcome Party | Lounge Partys | Stand Partys

exhibitor information online

Become a tekom member

As a tekom member, you can not only attend the tcworld conference at a lower price, you also receive discounts on all our events and on publications. You also benefit from many exclusive services such as regular country organization meetings, the specialist journal tcworld magazine, an extensive web library and much more.

Become a member


*Prices are valid for members of tekom Germany / tekom Europe, furthermore against proof for members of the following associations/organizations: ADÜNord, BDÜ, COM & TEC, DTT, ELIA, GALA, JTCA, KVD, SATC, STVY, TECOM Switzerland, TWIN.



**The reduced participation fee applies to trainees, pensioners and unemployed persons who are members of tekom or become members in the course of the conference registration. In addition, these prices apply against proof for full-time students who are members of tekom or become members in the course of the conference registration, as well as for participants who are currently in educational courses accredited by tekom: www.tekom.de/technische-kommunikation-das-berufsfeld/aus-und-weiterbildung/weiterbildungsangebote/einrichtungen


***For company memberships, the number of discounted tickets depends on the number of members. For example, if a company membership includes five members, five tickets can be purchased at the member price, and additional tickets can be purchased at the normal price.