tekom - conferences

Technology Days

The gratis event: It's all about knowledge and technology!

Technology Days 2023

Our new format for even more professional content and interactive experience  was very well received! The visitors could expect expert lectures and panel discussions with a focus on content creation in digitalisation. Valuable new contacts could be made via the networking lounge of the conference platform. All those interested took part in the event free of charge with a free ticket.


All those in technical communication or technical translation who would like to keep informed and exchange ideas on the design of content processes in the face of digitalization.  

Attendance at the event is free of charge!


Our format for even more expert content and interactive experiences: our exhibitors share their practical expertise on trends in digitization!



November 6 - 7, 2023


Online on our conference platform 'tekom live'.

Here you can fill out your own profile, find other participants and network and exchange ideas.