tekom - conferences


Become a speaker at the Arena!

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Arenas on three interesting and current topics

The Arena invites both fair visitors and conference attendees to take a seat and listen to experts on the following practice-related topics:

- 11/14: Gender Equality

- 11/15: DITA

- 11/16: Cybersecurity

Presentations will also be held in the Arena during the communication breaks. Keynotes on interesting topics will alternate with 20-minute short presentations. The event will be moderated. You will find the Arena in exhibition hall C1.

For Speakers

Become a speaker at the tekom fair Arena!

We would like to invite you to actively join us in creating the world's largest trade fair for technical communication.
Apply now for a short presentation in one of the arenas!
Submissions are requested on the following topics: Gender Equality, DITA, Cybersecurity

How and when do I submit my proposal?

You can apply to give a 20-minute presentation or a 30-minute keynote on the above topics.

Send your proposal directly to our program managers:

Gender Equality: Dominique Puls, Dominique.Puls(at)tsd-int.com

DITA: Stefan Jung, stefan.jung(at)mailbox.org

Cybersecurity: event(at)tekom.de

Do you have any questions?

Please email event(at)tekom.de or call us: +49 711 65704-56.

What are the benefits of being a speaker?

  • As a speaker, you will receive a free conference ticket for the day of your presentation. You can visit the tekom fair free of charge on all days.
  • Show the entire industry your qualifications and become known as an expert.
  • By giving a presentation on a specific topic, you can make the industry aware of the explosive nature of this topic and give inspiration, initiate new considerations, and kick off further developments in a targeted manner.
  • Maintain valuable contacts and make new ones.


Discover the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) - the unrivaled global industry standard for structuring information. For 18 years, DITA has been setting the benchmark as an open standard that offers unparalleled flexibility. Whether you prefer using a simple text editor or a highly sophisticated, customized content management system, with DITA, you can effortlessly create your content in DITA format. By utilizing a free or commercial publishing engine, you can transform your DITA topics into various output formats such as HTML, PDF, and more. Harness the power of automation by effortlessly and efficiently generating your output formats. You can even integrate DITA with artificial intelligence to support your content creation.
Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of DITA at the DITA Arena! Whether you're a DITA newcomer seeking an optimal entry point or an experienced DITA expert craving fresh insights and the latest trends, you'll find everything you need here. Benefit from an inspiring exchange of experiences and stay informed about the hottest developments. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity!

Stefan Jung

Stefan Jung is Head of Technical Documentation at Dometic and leading a global team of internal and external technical writers. Dometic is a global market leader in branded solutions for Mobile Living in the application areas of Food & Beverage, Climate, Power & Control and Other applications and has more than 8,500 employees globally. Stefan is located in Germany and is developing DITA-OT plugins since 2014 and offers DITA consulting in part-time.