tekom - conferences

Building Inspiration: A Lego Approach to Structured Authoring

  • Workshop
  • Analysis and Content Strategy
  • 14. November
  • 16:30 - 18:15 PM (CET)
  • C4.1
  • finished
  • No presentation slides uploaded
  •  Dawn Stevens

    Dawn Stevens

    • Comtech Services


To effectively use structured authoring, writers must understand the structure definition or schema. Although these structures are often defined by some standard, such as DITA or DocBook, understanding the design strategies behind the standard can help writers more effectively follow the standard. In this workshop, participants will use Legos to create their own structure definitions and explore the implications of the rules they define.


Effective structured authoring requires the following:

  • A definition of the pieces
  • A strategy for how to use the pieces
  • Limits to the number, size, shape, purpose of pieces
  • Guidelines and training for organizing those pieces


Prior knowledge



 Dawn Stevens

Dawn Stevens

  • Comtech Services

Dawn Stevens is the president and owner of Comtech Services, a technical communication consulting firm. For over 30 years, Dawn has helped her customers improve their technical documentation through more efficient development processes, user-centric content strategy, structured authoring, and minimalistic writing and editing.